January 24, 2022
Updates to Work Insights
You can now navigate deeper into your Work Insights with the work status sub-chart. You can drill down beyond primary work statuses to better-understand how long your work stays in each sub-status, helping you to identify bottlenecks and opportunities within your workflows.
This is one of the many updates coming to Insights in coming months, that have all been prioritized based on customer feedback.
To find the work status sub-chart, navigate to Insights from your main side menu. Your Work Insights dashboard will display the average number of days work is spent in each primary status.

When you select ‘View Report’, this data is broken down to expose the average number of days work is spent in each sub-status.
From here, you can select the chart’s title and the filters above to adjust your search parameters.

Update to work export
Exports of work data now include a column for Planned Week. This information shows the week each item is planned in your My Week.