January 18, 2020
In the first Karbon Update of 2020, you'll find several new features and enhancements, headlined by some big improvements to Insights.
Updates to Work Insights
You can now add filters to your Insights and drill down into specific teams, team members, types of work and more. You can add filters on top of one another and get as specific as you like.
Available filters include:
Teams/ Colleagues
Work Type
Date Range

New Charts
Two brand new charts have been added, which help identify the efficiency of your team and processes.
Average days spent in each open status
Number of times due date moved for work

Added Information on Colleague and Client Leaderboards
Tooltips have been added on Leaderboards, which provide more information about specific colleagues or clients. Simply hover your cursor over a bar for extra details.

Your Leaderboards also have a new dropdown menu, allowing you to see:
All open work items
Open overdue work items
Average days open

Other Improvements to Work Insights
All charts have been re-designed making them easier to read, and quicker to update.
Client leaderboard 'paging' allows you to scroll through your list of clients, 20 at a time. You can view details for as many as 500 clients.
A More Powerful Way to Re-assign Work
Whenever you reassign a work item to a new colleague, you'll now have the option to re-assign any tasks, notes or emails within that work item from the old work assignee to the new assignee. Previously, this option was only available when re-assigning work from the Kanban board.
While you're at it, you'll also have the option to add details with a comment.

Import Your Email Signature From Gmail or Office 365
If you have set up an email signature in your Gmail or Office 365 account, you can now import than into Karbon—appending it to all emails you send.

Work Scheduler Updates
You now have the flexibility to choose when scheduled Work Items, and the Tasks within them, will be created.
Creating tasks and work items close to their start date can help reduce distractions in your team's to-do lists. However, sometimes you may want them to appear earlier—if you need to send Client Tasks in advance, for example.

Other changes
The email attachment limit for Office365 users has increased to 33mb