December 17, 2018
In the final Karbon update of 2018, we are introducing a bunch of enhancements including one of our most requested features ever.
Pin a note or an email to the top of a timeline
Your most important notes, emails, and corresponding conversations can now be pinned to the top of any timeline for quick reference. This is useful if you want to refer back to something regularly or keep something top-of-mind for your team. There is no limit to the number of items you can pin, and anyone in your team has this ability. This has been one of our top requests ever!

A facelift for timelines and conversations
The visual appearance of timelines has been completely revamped. While everything is now easier on the eye, it is much more than a fresh coat of paint!
Your conversations are more condensed to show more on your screen without needing to scroll. It's also easier to distinguish between notes and emails, and see things at-a-glance with more prominent icons and avatars.

New timeline events
Your timelines also now include events for key activities, giving you a more complete audit history. No more guessing who updated a work start date, if a work item was created off a schedule, or when a due date was changed.

Client Manager
You can now record a Client Manager for each of your contacts, with the introduction of a new field in the Client Team area on the contact's Details page.

New work filters
New work filters have been added, allowing you to further customize your dashboard and view just the work items relevant. These new filters include:
Completed date
Contact type
Fiscal year month-end
Client Manager