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Dernières mises à jour des fonctionnalités

Tenez-vous au courant des nouvelles caractéristiques et des fonctionnalités chez Karbon. Chaque mise à jour du produit vise à mieux répondre aux demandes des clients, à renforcer les performances, et à améliorer le quotidien professionnel des clients.

October 11, 2020

October 112020

Oct 11, 2020

We’re continuing to simplify the way you use Karbon and interact with your team. This week we have introduced two new capabilities to help achieve this. Plus, some additional improvements to the beta version of Time & Budgets.

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May 22, 2020

May 222020

May 24, 2020

Today we are launching the general release of Email Insights to give you unparalleled visibility over your team's email activity and efficiency. There are also some visual updates to Work and Automators.

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February 09, 2020

February 092020

Feb 8, 2020

This week's release introduces some powerful Global Automators and Tasklist Automators to enhance your ability to create logical rules between tasks or activities, as well as a handful of other changes.

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