Apr 13, 2023
The receivables tab allows you to see a breakdown of outstanding and overdue debt, and new permissions have been added to contacts.
Billing and Payments beta update
Karbon Billing and Payments is currently being beta tested and will be released to all customers later this year.
If you would like to be part of the beta testing group, please sign up now.
Receivables tab in Billing
A new ‘Receivables’ tab in Billing has been created so you can view a breakdown of outstanding and overdue debt shown at a summary level for all clients, and broken down by client level.

Send or Export permission
A 'Send or Export' permission has been added to contacts. Only colleagues with this permission will be able to send or export invoices. To enable or disable this permission, go to Contacts and next to a colleague’s name, select Edit permissions > Billing > Deselect the permission > Save.
Note: the permission mentions 'billing runs'. Billing runs will be coming very soon and the permission will apply to posting billing runs.

Previous releases
If you missed an update, you can still see a list of what we released in Karbon. For API releases, see the Karbon Developer Center.