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December 13, 2020

More visibility over repeating work

You now have several ways to identify and organize repeating work items from your Work overview.

New Filter: Repeat Frequency

A new filter for Repeat Frequency allows you to view work items that repeat by certain frequencies.

Repeat details on Kanban cards

You can now view a work item's repeat frequency from its Kanban work cards. To show this detail, make sure Repeat is selected in your sort menu.

Repeat column on your Work list

Finally, you can add a column for Repeat details when viewing your work items as a list. Just like your Kanban board, select Repeat from your Column display options menu.

Keyboard shortcut to add a new Time Entry

A new keyboard shortcut has been added to create a new Time Entry. From anywhere in Karbon (when outside of a text input field) press Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac) ahead of T.

Alt + T to create a new Time Entry.

Check out Karbon's other keyboard shortcuts here.

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