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Dernières mises à jour des fonctionnalités

Tenez-vous au courant des nouvelles caractéristiques et des fonctionnalités chez Karbon. Chaque mise à jour du produit vise à mieux répondre aux demandes des clients, à renforcer les performances, et à améliorer le quotidien professionnel des clients.

December 20, 2022

December 202022

Dec 20, 2022

The Karbon Practice Intelligence (KPI) Work Status workbook, allows you to see all work currently active and make critical decisions. It helps you prioritize by due date and distribute work evenly amongst your team to remove bottlenecks.

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November 17, 2022

November 172022

Nov 17, 2022

Managing your firm has just become easier with Karbon Practice Intelligence’s newest workbook. Karbon Practice Intelligence is more than a reporting tool, it helps you focus on the insights that matter most.

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October 04, 2022

October 042022

Oct 4, 2022

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Know what to work on next by using the ‘In Status’ column in the Work List for FIFO/LIFO production planning and execution. The redesigned Permission page is easier to navigate and timesheet improvements enable admin users to keep track of changes, plus much more.

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August 23, 2022

August 232022

Aug 23, 2022

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In this release, we’ve focused on giving you increased visibility and control. From the ability to search in My Week to Time and Budgets improvements, these updates ensure Karbon is working harder for you.

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