November 19, 2017
New Headers
You'll find new headers across Karbon. The main drivers were to allow for more data on the screen and make way for upcoming filtering components (watch this space!)
Functionality remains the same, but you'll find the following changes:
To rename work or clients, go to the "..." menu and select Rename.
All filtering options are now separate from the section's name.
All Work status filters have moved to a new dropdown.
In Work, the client name has moved to the details box.
In Work and Contacts all subsections are now tabs.
In To-do we've updated the to-do period headers.
Tsheets + Karbon integration
As a first step towards allowing time tracking in Karbon, we've opened the Tsheets & Karbon integration beta to some of our joint customers. If you are part of the beta program you'll find a new Time tab under Contacts and/or Work.
If you'd like have early access to the integration, or be notified of when it goes live, leave us your details at
Ability to insert images inline & edit your email signature
Yes! You can now attach images inline in your emails and resize them.

We have also updated the email signature toolbar so you can have the same formatting options as with email (including inserting and resizing images).

Other improvements
Advanced work filtering for email allocation
When you are creating work off an email or assigning an email to a work timeline, you'll now be able to filter by work status.

Change work clients
If you create a work item for the wrong client, you can now go to the work item menu ("...") and select Change client.