Insights From Karbon's Talent Survey
Compare the challenges your practice is facing acquiring, training and retaining staff with other accounting firms from around the world.

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Karbon's 2017 talent survey called on accountants from around the world to share the challenges and gaps their firm face acquiring, training and retaining their staff.
This report reveals the findings—the specific issues accounting firms are facing managing their talent.
Key insights include:
Talent management is potentially more problematic in accounting than in other professions
Remote workplaces are on the rise
Recruiting is a given for almost all practices, yet one of their biggest problems
Higher education is failing at properly developing future accountants
There is agreeance that new skills are needed, but confusion over what skills
With these insights from Karbon's 2017 talent survey, you can compare the challenges your own practice is facing with those being experienced by others around the world, and begin exploring what changes to make to manage talent better.