What we shipped: Q4 2019 in review

2019 finished with several updates to Karbon, bringing new features, functionality and improvements to some of the most-used areas of the app.

A stylised version of Karbon's Kanban board

Below, you'll find a brief summary of every #KarbonUpdate between October-December 2019.

Search for Notes in Global Search

Global Search gives you the ability to your entire Karbon account, across all Work, Clients, and Email that you have access to. Now, you can search across internal Notes too.

Timeline Filters

New filters at the top of Work and Contact Timelines make it easier to cut through the noise and find the items that you're looking for. Now, you can choose whether Emails, Notes, Activity Items and Client Task Emails will appear.

Search a Timeline

You can also search for across these Timelines to quickly find an Email or Note. The search rules are the same as Global Search—meaning your query will search across text, subject, titles, senders and recipients.

Restricted user permission

To give you greater control over which staff members have access to what, we've added a new user permission setting: Restricted.

A restricted user has limited access to information within Karbon, making this user permission ideal for temporary contracted staff members, or outsourced teams. Here's a quick summary of what they can see and do.

  • Access their own To-do list

  • Access Contacts they are on the client team for

  • Access Work they are on the work team for

  • Global Search only shows their own emails, emails on timelines they have access to, and work and contacts they have access to

  • No access to Settings or Insights

  • Can only create Work for clients they have access to

  • Can create Contacts (they are put on the Client Team and get access)

Display your Karbon Certification badge

Karbon Certified Experts and Specialists are now recognized with a Badge added to their profile. The Badge will be shown on their contact card, and in their profile. This lets their team know who they can come to for training and questions related to Karbon.

If you're interested in getting Certified, learn more and sign up below. 

Karbon Certified Expert: Get equipped to provide Karbon training and support within your organization.

Karbon Certified Specialist: Get rewarded for providing support and training to Karbon customers around the globe.

Other changes:

  • Timeline events now show if a work item has been created automatically through an integration with Ignition or GoProposal

  • To help keep your data clean and easier to manage, we've removed the ability to create duplicate Contact Types and Job Roles

  • A new company setting has been added to automatically log out any users if they are inactive for a chosen period of time.

  • Everything in Settings is now on a white background. Cleaner, nicer-to-read, and easier on the eye.

We have lots planned for the year ahead, kicking off with a big new feature release in just a few weeks. Stay tuned!