The must-see sessions at Scaling New Heights 2017

Across its four days, 2017 Scaling New Heights includes a diverse program of keynote presentations, panel discussions, and talks that are aimed at empowering you to reach new heights in your practice.
To help you plan your time at the event, we've analyzed the full schedule to select the top 15 sessions we think you should make an effort to attend. These are what we predict will leave you with the best takeaways and strategies to drive the success of your accounting firm.
Bold advisor pre-conference workshop: firm purpose, mission, values, and big Y
— Carla Caldwell and Ian Vacin (June 4, 10am)
Operational consulting part 1—From the beginning: discover, design, pilot and implement
— Deborah Defer and Denise Bailey (June 4, 12pm)
Creating and growing a team: your first (and next) steps #BeyondSolo
— Clayton Oates (June 4, 2pm)
Minutes to moments: 4 ways to build your practice and make the most of every minute
— Matt Rissell (June 5, 7am)
The bold advisor (part 1): firm management strategies that ensure success
— Carla Caldwell and Ian Vacin (June 5, 8am)
The bold advisor (part 2): set your goals and lay out your plan for success
— Carla Caldwell and Ian Vacin (June 5, 1:30pm)
Making your dream a reality: overcoming the obstacles
— Luc Cardinal (June 5, 4:10pm)
The 7 minute conversation every client beeds to have every month
— Mike Milan (June 6, 7am)
Top 10 business myths
— Ron Baker (June 6, 8am)
Leadership series part 1: the leader within
— Jeff Edmonds (June 6, 1:30pm)
Learn effective communication with millennials, gen. X and boomers
— Steven Hoffman (June 6, 5:20pm)
Digital marketing: myths or just math?
— Darren Clarke (June 7, 7am)
Revolving door: who is coming to your front door & how to show them the backdoor
— Gale Kirsopp (June 7, 7am)
Accountant-friendly selling: prescribing solutions
— George Williams (June 7, 1:30pm)
Guarantee profitability: for your Clients, for your practice
— Dawn Fotopulos (June 7, 4:10pm)
Scaling New Heights 2017 is all about taking your practice to new heights. The conference showcases solution providers, live demo sessions, and networking events.