Introducing Karbon

Stuart McLeod
Co-Founder, Karbon

We are excited to be launching into the new year under a new name.
A year ago, when we arrived at “PracticeIQ” as our name, we felt it summed up what we do pretty well. We did our US, AU, NZ and UK trademark checks and endless Google searches and nothing apart from a healthcare product came up on the radar. However, it turns out Reckon have been sitting on a small module called “Practice IQ” for many years and we probably should have seen it.
So we decided it is best we differentiate ourselves, from that and the flurry of “practice” and “IQ” products popping up recently, and do something completely different. Something that stands out from the crowds and is malleable and adaptable into the future.
We looked around us for a name that would suit and settled on one of the most abundant elements in the world—carbon—core to nearly everything we know. It hardens steel to make tools, sharpened blades and majestic structures. As a fibre its strands weave together for engineered performance, strength and efficiency. Used on paper it records information, it duplicates important documents and it archives. And put under enough pressure it might just create a diamond.

For these reasons, PracticeIQ is officially launching under its new name, Karbon.
Karbon is a new approach to team collaboration and client service. It is the central place that weaves all your communication and client interactions together. Carefully crafted and engineered specifically for accountants, it’s your archive of everything important. Your go-to tool.
We have a huge lineup of new features and refinements this year that we can’t wait to share with you.
Stuart & The Karbon Team.