Karbon's 2017 talent survey

Join hundreds of accountants and bookkeepers from around the world and have your say on the challenges and gaps accounting firms face today around acquiring, training and retaining staff.
This anonymous survey will take you just 5-10 minutes to complete, providing you with a platform to outline the key challenges your firm is facing related to all aspects of managing talent—the number one barrier preventing accounting firms from growing.
Your responses will be pivotal in kicking off a major global discussion exploring how practices can manage their talent better, and what the industry as a whole can do to ensure tomorrow's accountants can have an even greater impact on the lives of their clients.
By completing this survey, you can enter the draw to win one of the 5 available Karbon Academy Getting Started Bundles, valued at USD8,500 each. And for every response submitted, Karbon will cover the costs of education for a disadvantaged child in Cambodia for one month through B1G1.