Insights from Karbon’s Practice Excellence Scorecard
Data and expert analysis of the critical business abilities of 250 accounting firms across the globe. See how your firm compares.

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What areas does your accounting firm excel at? Where should you be dedicating more time and resources? How are you performing compared to others?
The Karbon Practice Excellence Scorecard identifies exactly this—the critical business ability of accounting firms across the globe. For the first time, the results from the first 250 firms have been assessed, analyzed and presented in detail.
Revealed in this report are the core business strengths and weaknesses of 250 accounting firms of all types—broken down by geography, size, revenue, age, and more.
You can also take the free Practice Excellence Assessment for yourself to compare your firm with those revealed in this report, and use the detailed insights to prepare for your firm's future success.
These metrics back up what has been anecdotal until now. Through these amazing insights, we now can better predict the lifecycle of a firm, anticipate the challenges ahead, adapt to ease their effect, and learn the skills needed to thrive.