This is how we fulfill our vision: The email I sent to all Karbon staff to kick off 2022

Stuart McLeod
Co-Founder, Karbon
At Karbon, we’re on a journey to provide the global accounting industry the technology solution it deserves, and our recent $66million Series B investment is accelerating this journey.

Off the back of this announcement and a new calendar year, I recently sent an email to all Karbon staff, emphasizing our objectives for 2022 and how they will guide our path and help us achieve our mission.
In the spirit of being transparent and including our customers on our journey, I thought I’d share it with you (with the confidential stuff taken out and a few extras thrown in).
Thank you for attending yesterday: the first global team meeting of 2022. Hopefully you were left with the impression of how exciting the coming year will be at Karbon.
I want to reinforce and clarify the objectives for you so that we increase the likelihood of alignment right across the organization.
Let's start with our vision:
A professional services industry where employees are happy, clients are satisfied and partners have peace of mind.
To me, this means that the importance of fulfilling our opportunity and responsibility to our market is paramount. To be able to provide hundreds of thousands of accountants the best platform we can, so that they can:
service their clients effectively
feel better about their work
are happier in their life
We have a significant positive impact in the world. And you should take pride in that. I do.
So, how do we fulfill that vision this year? We do that through three objectives:
1. Build the world's leading practice management platform for accountants
The world of practice management and software for accountants is littered with sub-par software. It is our job to change that.
We understand our market better than anyone in the world, and therefore, it’s our obligation to get Karbon into as many accountants’ hands as possible. But we need to be able to be everything that they want us to be. There's a lot left to go, and our product roadmap is aggressive to try and finish as much of the platform this year as we possibly can.
2. Become one of the industry’s greatest employers
We can't build what we need to build without first-class people. We have a great culture and we want to always ensure that that is the case. This objective helps us keep that top of mind.
If we're not fulfilling your work goals, please let us know. But if we are, let us know as well! We would love it if Karbon was your last job. Careers are a two-way street—tell us how we can help you grow professionally and we will absolutely be accommodating.
3. Build and implement the Karbon Operating System (KOS)
Quite a few of us have been involved in high-growth organizations. It’s difficult to grow as we plan to, while maintaining culture and maintaining alignment. Call that ‘all rowing in the same direction’ if you will.
We want to build a framework—an operating system—that codifies our values and our culture so that we don't need to be involved in the decision making processes of a large company.
The operating system will give you a framework and a value system to be able to help you decide what is best for the organization. This is important because it binds the first two objectives together. It helps us grow in a sustainable and manageable way. Difficult to achieve, but not impossible.
Karbon is set for a wonderful and challenging 2022. Our vision unites us and our objectives align us. We value your contribution greatly and appreciate any and all feedback as we go on this journey together.