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4 steps to doubling your prices (as soon as this week)


If you’re stressed out, it could be because you’re not charging enough.

When firm owners charge too little, they find themselves constantly swimming hard just to stay afloat.

They feel like they’re ‘stuck on a hamster wheel’, running faster and faster, yet getting nowhere.

Now imagine what would happen if you were able to double your prices without increasing your workload.

What would that allow you to do?

Grow your practice? 

Take a vacation? 

Spend more time with your family?

In this video, Ryan Lazanis from Future Firm and Rachel Peng from Karbon reveal the 4 simple steps you can take to double your prices (as soon as this week)—without increasing your workload.

You’ll discover:

  • Why increasing your prices does NOT scare away potential clients

  • Why you don’t need a reason to increase your prices

  • The #1 key to increasing your prices (most firm owners get this wrong)

  • 5 questions you need to ask clients if you want to charge as much as possible

  • A simple pricing tactic to charge more without being salesy or pushy

  • Why you should never send prospects a proposal after a Discovery Call

Plus, Ryan and Rachel tackle some interesting questions from the session's live participants.