5 strategies to guarantee a successful tax season


Tax season in the US has begun, which means we're entering into the busiest period of the year for a lot of accounting practices. But it's still possible to avoid spending long days at the office and overworking your team with clever planning and strategizing. 

In this video, Ian Vacin reveals five time-management and capacity planning techniques that are used by some of the world's most progressive modern accounting practices. These tactics will help you get more done in less time as the March and April tax deadlines approach, while at the same time minimizing the chances of errors occurring.

Even if you're not based in the US, these tips will still save you time and help you manage your firm through any busy period you face. 

Learning objectives: 

  • Obtain client documentation and details in half the time 

  • Understand techniques to plan capacity throughout your team to ensure work can be completed on-time 

  • Learn best practices for collaboration, handoff and ownership 

  • Be able to effectively standardize workflow