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Staff Offboarding


Download your free staff offboarding checklist template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Staff Offboarding' templateStaff OffboardingReady to Start2 AutomatorsPlan for employee termination (if applicable)CompletedSetup / initiate5 AutomatorsConduct employee termination meetingCompletedComplete post-termination meeting notes and update checklist due datesCompletedPrep (step 1)8 Automators

Lots of organizations give attention to the staff onboarding process to welcome new hires and quickly get them up to speed. But what happens when an employee inevitably leaves?

Offboarding is the process your accounting firm needs to take to formally separate an employee from your company after resignation, termination, or retirement. There are many critical steps that need to be covered, and this template outlines them all, from knowledge transfer, removal of software and account access, hardware reclamation and exit interviews.

The process start date is the point of the initial 1:1 termination meeting, and the due date is determined by the situation. This process should be handled by your Operations Manager, HR Manager or the employees direct manager.

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  • .XLSX File

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  • Client Work Scheduling

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