R&D Tax Credit (Reporting) icon

R&D Tax Credit (Reporting)


Download your free R&D Tax Credit (Reporting) template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'R&D Tax Credit (Reporting)' templateR&D Tax Credit (Reporting)CLIENT TASKSSchedule your R&D tax credit project interview1 AutomatorSchedule your R&D credit project interview meeting at: www.calendly.com/youraccountCompletedReport Preparation (Step 1: Data Gathering)5 AutomatorsComplete project interview meeting (prep, host, and follow-up)CompletedPrepare notes and review documents for project interviewCompletedConduct project interview with the clientCompletedReport Preparation (Step 2: Create Report)

This template guides you through the process to complete the second step of the R&D tax credit when report generation is needed.

It begins with the start date as the date the reporting can begin and the due date 14 days later.