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Superannuation Payment


Download your free Superannuation Payment template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Superannuation Payment' templateSuperannuation PaymentReady to Start2 AutomatorsEnsure all payroll has been processed and the bank reconciliation is up-to-date for the periodCompletedPrep5 AutomatorsPrep the Superannuation payment and update/send the client task belowCompletedCLIENT TASKSYour Superannuation payment is due7 AutomatorsAuthorise / pay your Superannuation payment (see details). Confirm once completed.Completed

This is the Karbon best practice process to complete a client's Superannuation Payment. It includes steps for preparation, authorization and follow-up, which your payroll specialist can coordinate with your client. The process should be completed within seven days.

Download the Template

Download your Superannuation Payment template now.

  • .XLSX File

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  • Client Work Scheduling