Sales Process for New Intuit QuickBooks Client Using Ignition icon

Sales Process for New Intuit QuickBooks Client Using Ignition


Download your free Sales Process for New Intuit QuickBooks Client Using Ignition template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Sales Process for New Intuit QuickBooks Client Using Ignition' templateSales Process for New Intuit QuickBooks Client Using IgnitionReady to Start: Qualify and send appointment email2 AutomatorsCustomize the client task email (below) with your appointment link (e.g. Calendly)CompletedCLIENT TASKSThanks for your interest in our accounting and tax services!4 AutomatorsSchedule time with us to discuss your accounting and tax needs — {insert appointment link here}CompletedKick-off7 AutomatorsConduct initial meetingCompleted

This template is Satterley Training & Consulting's best practice sales process workflow when using Intuit QuickBooks and Ignition.

The start date is today, the due date is 1 week later and the work assignee is the Salesperson.