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Provisional Tax Return for Individuals


Download your free Provisional Tax Return for Individuals template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Provisional Tax Return for Individuals' templateProvisional Tax Return for IndividualsOrganize and request client information2 AutomatorsUpdate and send the client task for the upcoming individual provisional tax workCompletedCLIENT TASKSDocumentation request for your upcoming provisional tax return4 AutomatorsLatest payslipCompletedRental income (if applicable) as well as a schedule of expenses and estimates for the rest of the yearCompletedBusiness income: (trading income etc. This includes a breakdown of the income and expenses)CompletedAdvise if any capital assets were sold or are expected to be sold before February next yearCompletedConfirm the number of dependents on the medical aidReady To StartDue Today

This template is designed for the process of completing provisional income tax returns. It covers both provisional returns.

The work goes through the stages:

  • Ready To Start
  • Waiting for info
  • In Progress
  • Prep
  • Waiting for info
  • Prep
  • Review
  • Waiting for client
  • File
  • Follow-up
  • Wait for confirmation
  • Completed

The roles involved in completing the work are: Admin (initial work assignee), Preparer and Reviewer. The overall ownership of the work changes as the work progresses between the roles involved. Work stages and roles are both customizable.

The template includes best practice automation to ensure it is clear:

  • Which tasks are ready to be worked on (i.e. task status)
  • What the status of work is at any time (so you can get real-time work dashboards)
  • Who is responsible for the work and tasks
  • The priority of work and tasks

The start date for the work is the 1st July for the first provisional return and 1st January for the second provisional return. The due date of the work is 2 months after the start date for both provisional returns.