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Operating Mechanisms


Download your free Operating Mechanisms template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Operating Mechanisms' templateOperating MechanismsCompany Objectives & Goals (Leadership)ARR = $XMCompletedNPS = XXCompletedChurn = Net negativeCompletedARPC = $XXKCompletedNew new MRR = $XXKCompletedPipeline value = $XXkReady To StartDue TodayTeam: Product / Service Delivery#1: ...Ready To StartDue Today

This is the Karbon best practice process for managing firm-wide objectives (and key results).

The Objectives & Key Results (OKR) process starts on the first day of the quarter and repeats quarterly.

Daily standups, weekly reviews, monthly reviews and quarterly OKRs are incorporated in this work template:

  • Quarterly OKRs must be added/ completed in the task list by the Friday of the first week of the quarter. Place under the appropriate department.
  • Daily standups are added directly to the Timeline every day with each person commenting after the first entry.
  • Weekly reviews are added to the Timeline by EOD each Friday. It is to be a look-back as well as a look-forward.
  • Monthly reviews are added as comments to your associated OKRs to update your progress on the key activities.
  • The final quarterly OKR review is to be added as a comment to your associated OKRS. Provide your score from 0 to 1 and, with the score, what you need to carry-over to next quarter and/or lessons learned.

Download the Template

Download your Operating Mechanisms template now.

Add to Karbon

Get more out of this template by adding it to Karbon, including:

  • Time and Budget Estimates
  • Task Automation
  • Client Task Automation
  • Client Work Scheduling