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New Hire Onboarding for Payroll


Download your free New Hire Onboarding for Payroll template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'New Hire Onboarding for Payroll' templateNew Hire Onboarding for PayrollCLIENT TASKSNecessary New Hire Paperwork1 AutomatorUpload required new hire documentationCompletedSet-up new hire in QuickBooks Time — Onboarding Tasks5 AutomatorsAdd new hire to the payroll system — in ADP Run to ensure new hire completed Employee informationCompleted

This template is Satterley Training & Consulting's best practice general process for adding new hires to a payroll system when your firm is managing payroll for an organization.

The assignee is the Bookkeeper, and the start and due dates are determined by the client's payroll schedule.