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Fringe Benefit Tax Return


Download your free Fringe Benefit Tax Return template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Fringe Benefit Tax Return' templateFringe Benefit Tax ReturnReady to Start2 AutomatorsUpdate and send the client task below to obtain the required FBT infoCompletedCLIENT TASKSProvide the details needed to begin your Fridge Benefit Tax (FBT) return4 AutomatorsUpload prior period's lodged Fringe Benefit Tax return (if available)CompletedProvide details on any employer contributions to employee fundsCompletedProvide details on employer provided goods and servicesCompletedProvide details on employer provided low-interest loansCompletedProvide details on all related motor vehicle fringe benefits (see description) and upload completed logbook (for eachReady To StartDue Today

This is the Karbon best practice to complete the New Zealand Fringe Benefits Tax return. It includes details for three roles_ Admin, Preparer, and Reviewer.

The process includes the option to send requests to clients (Client Tasks if you use Karbon) to collect the initial information, or that can be replaced with a client meeting to discuss. The process doesn't include an engagement letter process.

The process is expected to take roughly 10 days to complete. Typically the FBT return is filed quarterly (ending months of June, September, December, and March; due date is 20 July, 20 October, 20 January, and 31 May respectively) or annually (covering 1 April to 31 March; due date is 31 May).

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  • .XLSX File

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