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Change Management


Download your free Change Management template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Change Management' templateChange ManagementInitiate3 AutomatorsRationale: Define & communicate the whyCompletedInclusion: Identify a cross-functional team for the projectCompletedPlan6 AutomatorsGoals: Provide clear objectives & goals for the changeCompletedExecute (step 1)8 Automators

This is Karbon's best practice process for managing change and/ or major projects in your accounting firm.

It covers the entire process, including:

  • Defining and communicating the rationale behind the change
  • Identifying a cross-functional team for the project
  • Providing clear objectives and goals for the change
  • Executing the change
  • Getting buy-in from your team
  • Monitoring the change
  • Setting reminders for your team
  • Keeping everyone accountable
  • Celebrating success

Learn more about managing change in your accounting practice and the ins and outs of change management.

Download the Template

Download your Change Management template now.

Add to Karbon

Get more out of this template by adding it to Karbon, including:

  • Time and Budget Estimates
  • Task Automation
  • Client Task Automation
  • Client Work Scheduling