Cash Flow Advisory in Float: Initial Set Up icon

Cash Flow Advisory in Float: Initial Set Up


Download your free Cash Flow Advisory in Float: Initial Set Up template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Cash Flow Advisory in Float: Initial Set Up' templateCash Flow Advisory in Float: Initial Set UpKick-off2 AutomatorsCheck bookkeeping is complete and accurateCompletedConnect the client’s cloud accounting software to Float and analyse historical cash movements to ensure they are codeCompletedManage the bank feeds / bank reconciliationCompletedFollow-up with the client on any missing informationCompletedConfirm and select the bank accounts that contain cash transactionsCompletedPrep5 AutomatorsUnderstand the expected end of day cash balance for any point in the future (exclude AR / AP, organize categories, anReady To StartDue Today

Once your ideal client has signed off on your proposal for cash flow advisory services, the focus moves to deliver those services.

The initial setup is the critical first step in doing so, and this template is designed to guide you though this process.

Because each section of this template is made easier by completeing the previous section, be sure to follow them in chronological order.

It’s worth noting the initial setup will be where the most significant time investment is required. Once completed, the time needed to maintain the forecast will be significantly less.

To offer complete cash flow forecasting and scenario planning, check out Float.

Download the Template

Download your Cash Flow Advisory in Float: Initial Set Up template now.

  • .XLSX File

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  • Time and Budget Estimates
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  • Client Task Automation
  • Client Work Scheduling

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