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Bill Pay in Melio


Download your free Bill Pay in Melio template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Bill Pay in Melio' templateBill Pay in MelioCLIENT TASKSPlease make sure bills have been uploaded to QuickBooks1 AutomatorOnce all bills have been uploaded / confirmed in QuickBooks, mark this task completeCompletedEnter Bills into QuickBooks5 AutomatorsVerify that client has uploaded all bills — & enter all bills uploaded to QuickBooksCompletedPay Bills in Melio8 Automators

This template is the Satterley Training & Consulting best practice workflow for client bill pay processes using Melio.

The start date is first day of the week, the due date is Friday (unless otherwise indicated in the engagement notes), and the assignee is the Bookkeeper.