Benefits Plan Tax Return (Form 5500) in Intuit ProSeries Tax icon

Benefits Plan Tax Return (Form 5500) in Intuit ProSeries Tax


Download your free Benefits Plan Tax Return (Form 5500) in Intuit ProSeries Tax template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Benefits Plan Tax Return (Form 5500) in Intuit ProSeries Tax' templateBenefits Plan Tax Return (Form 5500) in Intuit ProSeries TaxExtension (available if needed; skip otherwise)1 AutomatorFile an extension (available here if needed at any time during the process)CompletedOrganize and request client information2 AutomatorsUpdate and send the Client Request for the upcoming benefits plan tax return work (via Intuit Link or client task)CompletedKick-off tax prep5 AutomatorsValidate receipt of engagement letter/checklist/docs and move/assign into production with the PreparerCompleted

This is the Intuit ProSeries Tax work template for benefits plan tax returns (e.g. 5500).

This template uses Automators to:

  • Update task due dates
  • Change work item and task statuses
  • Move the work assignment based on section completion

The template is set to kick-off, complete, file and confirm with the client within 4 weeks (barring client slow down or internal issues).

Download the Template

Download your Benefits Plan Tax Return (Form 5500) in Intuit ProSeries Tax template now.

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Get more out of this template by adding it to Karbon, including:

  • Time and Budget Estimates
  • Task Automation
  • Client Task Automation
  • Client Work Scheduling