Annual AML Review icon

Annual AML Review


Download your free Annual AML Review template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Annual AML Review' templateAnnual AML ReviewCLIENT TASKSAML annual review & update1 AutomatorI confirm there have not been any changes to ownership structure of the company over the last 12 monthsCompletedI confirm there have not been any significant changes to the way the company is operating in the last 12 monthsCompletedI confirm there have not been any instances of fraud or theft within the company in the last 12 monthsCompletedFollow-up6 AutomatorsReview and confirm client responses to AML annual reviewCompleted

This template is designed to streamline and standardize this simple annual review.

It uses Automators and Client Tasks in Karbon to automatically request AML confirmation from your clients.