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Month-End Close in Dext


Download your free Month-End Close in Dext template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Month-End Close in Dext' templateMonth-End Close in DextComplete month-end bookkeepingEnsure all invoices, bills, and expenses have been captured and processed in Dext — & ensure monthly bookkeeping is complete and accurateCompletedFollow-up with the client on any missing information using the client tasks below (if needed)CompletedCLIENT TASKSMissing information neededClarification / documentation needed: ...CompletedComplete month-end close adjustmentsMake adjusting entries and complete necessary reconciliationsCompletedCreate & compile financial reportsReady To StartDue Today

This template is a partnership best practice process between Dext and Karbon for month-end.

It assumes the bookkeeping (typically done weekly) has been done in conjunction (not included).

This workflow includes Automators and Client Tasks in Karbon to prepare and complete month-end close tasks.

Learn more about Dext and view this template in action.