You can sign up as a seller, buyer, or both. If you are only interested in buying, you can skip the seller profile setup section. Similarly, if you only intend to sell, you can skip the buyer profile. If you are interested in both, you can complete and apply for both profiles.
Karbon customers enjoy free access to the Practice Marketplace! If you're not a Karbon customer, you can still list your firm for sale for a nominal fee of $99 USD/month. This platform is exclusively for firms with genuine intent to sell or engage in meaningful conversations with buyers. Only Karbon-using firms are allowed as buyers on the Marketplace. However, if you plan to implement Karbon in the future, you’re welcome to complete your account now. A member of our team will reach out to discuss your goals, answer questions, and review payment and implementation options with you. There’s no commitment until after your initial conversation with us.