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Cash Flow Advisory in Intuit QuickBooks


Download your free Cash Flow Advisory in Intuit QuickBooks template to personalize and use in your bookkeeping or accounting firm.

A preview of the 'Cash Flow Advisory in Intuit QuickBooks' templateCash Flow Advisory in Intuit QuickBooksReady to start1 AutomatorSetup / confirm advisory meeting date with client (include an agenda)CompletedPrep4 AutomatorsComplete bookkeeping (A/P, A/R, reconciliation)CompletedManage A/P & expensesCompletedManage the bank feeds / bank reconciliationCompletedReconcile sales and additional accounts (if applicable)CompletedFollow-up with the client on any missing information using the client tasks below (if needed)Ready To StartDue Today

This template is designed to guide you through cash flow advisory with Intuit QuickBooks.

Once the template is used to create a work item, assign it to a recurring schedule on a weekly/ monthly/ quarterly basis based on the agreement with your client.

This work template enables you to:

  1. Confirm your cash flow advisory meeting
  2. Complete the cash flow advisory prep work
  3. Conduct the cash flow advisory meeting
  4. Follow-up with the client

Download the Template

Download your Cash Flow Advisory in Intuit QuickBooks template now.

  • .XLSX File

Add to Karbon

Get more out of this template by adding it to Karbon, including:

  • Time and Budget Estimates
  • Task Automation
  • Client Task Automation
  • Client Work Scheduling